6/4 Drew Horner: Uncoiled. Success & Happiness


For the last few posts, I’ve shared more about roping and what my roping life is like. I wanted to start introducing you guys into something else that is important to me in my life.

Life is a lot of fun. Every aspect of life is meant to be enjoyed. From play, to work, family, and friends, every bit of it is meant for us to have fun. People view happiness coming from some form of success. Be that in your business, your family, or you own individuality. Ultimately, happiness is a choice, but the people you choose to surround yourself with will influence that happiness. Happiness is not found in people, not found in activities or hobbies, not in roping or riding, but true joy comes from something different.

Opened BibleWe always want to know “what is the key to success?” First of all, I don’t feel like I should be confronting this question much, so I’ll just fall back on to what I know to be true in my life. Being successful in anything takes biblical principals. You don’t have to be a Christian to be successful, but you have to put into practice some biblical principals to be successful. Things like hard work, discipline, perseverance, tenacity, wisdom, all of which are principles found in the Bible. Go read the book of Proverbs in the Bible and that will be where you can find almost everything about how to be successful in life. Proverbs is a book of wisdom. The first chapter of Proverbs is found here. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Proverbs%201&version=NIV. You don’t have to be a Christian to learn from this book, just read a chapter a day. It is 31 chapters, so you can finish that pretty quickly.

We tend to think that happiness is dependent on success, or you have to have the nicest rig, or the best horses, or be the CEO of some company or even have a “clean cut” family. All of these things are good, but none of them determine your happiness. My true joy is found in a relationship with Christ. I hope to be able to explain this a little more as we go through these blogs. What I am saying is that to understand how to be successful and happy, you have to understand what true success and happiness is. They don’t come from money, jobs, family, or friends, and they aren’t found in your social status, your business level or your career resume. True joy and true success is found in a relationship with Christ. If you want to understand more about what I am talking about, go read the book of John in the Bible, it is the story of Christ. The first chapter of John is found here. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=john%201&version=NIV

One of the most important things to do in your life is to surround yourself with people that are winners. My dad always told me “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future”. I have applied this to every aspect of my life, roping, school, business, etc.

It is vital to surround yourself with people with the same beliefs or are working to achieve the same goals, so that when you step up to the plate, or better yet, if you have to back in the box and be 4.3 to win, you are prepared with the support and encouragement needed.

I hope y’all enjoy these blogs. It’s been fun to be apart of them and start engaging with the roping community. If you have not read either Proverbs or John, go read them. It could change your life. The links I’ve posted above will take you right to them.

Until next time, keep up with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dhorner24

June 4, 2013 |

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