7/11 Drew Horner: Uncoiled. Roping Partner


We’ve been to 13 rodeos this summer and won $10,000, which is on track for what we need to do to make the Finals. I have set mind on winning $70,000 for the year, and hopefully we are on track to do that. The last couple years it has taken about $65,000 to make the Finals.

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I’ve got a really good chance to do that, especially with my partner Buddy Hawkins. He has literally almost heeled every steer I turned for him by two feet. I was thinking the other day that I compare him to “my Clay Cooper.” He is emotionally sound, emotionally strong. You never know in the arena whether we lost or won. He is fired up on the inside, but on the outside he controls it like a machine. Even on the bad handles, he goes in there and does whatever it takes. He gives me the confidence to get out there and have a good run. He’s been the best partner I’ve ever had and it has been such a blessing.

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He has always encouraged me through any situation, in and out of the arena. He has a way of pushing me in my roping, and is able to somehow unleash myself to be “free” with my roping. What I mean is that Buddy can help me not just revert back to slowing down and just catching steers when I have been missing or not doing well, but instead tells me to just go at every steer and try to win something. That seems to work for me and us as a team and it is pretty incredible to have someone encourage you like that. Encouragement is important to anyone’s success.

Until next time, DH.

July 12, 2013 |

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