8/19 Drew Horner: Uncoiled. I’m so Happy to be Saved.


I get excited sometimes thinking about what I get to do. Being a professional team roper is a dream come true for me. Ever since I knew what the National Finals Rodeo was, I wanted to get there. I haven’t gotten there yet, but the journey to reaching it is so much fun! One thing that is for sure throughout this journey is the fact that I get the opportunity to learn so much about life, and my perspective on life grows so much because of it.
The reason I love being out here, roping and competing at the top level is not just because I enjoy rodeoing and roping. When I get to think about my life and what I want to do, I realize that my life is not just a happen stance chance, and that there is actual order to my life; or, I like to say design. I make decisions and I go in the direction of my passion, but I know there is something greater that impacts my life. I have been given the opportunity to grow so much, and it is AWESOME! It excites me knowing that even when I lose, I can still be happy just because there is so much more to this life than just us.
There is a God. A loving God. A God that genuinely cares about what you do and who you are. The fact is, you aren’t just put here without reason. You are created to be here for a number of reasons. Life is a journey, and is meant to be enjoyed. This is just a finite time for us to develop a relationship with Christ that will last for an eternity! We are here for so much more than just to “get by” or just “live life to the fullest”. We are here to be the best we can be.
photo-1By being the best you can be, you are developing yourself to glorify God. Now, you do have to actually believe in Christ, and what he did in your life first to be saved and have a relationship with him. You develop your faith by working hard and going after what you love. You have that passion in your life for a reason. It’s God given – go after it! This perspective excites me!
God has opened my eyes and all I do is try to live my life the way the Bible tells me to. Taking steps to live this way keeps my perspective straight. Knowing God and trying to live a life that honors him lets me always be happy about anything. I can fail, and know that there is something good from it. I can lose a loved one, my grandmother for example, and in that time be so stinkin’ excited about being able to live out her legacy. It’s not just being an optimist or having a “half-full glass” view, it’s a God given perspective. God gives me happiness. He allows me to be excited no matter what. God has created me, and I am His. He loves me.
The greatest thing of all is that He doesn’t just love me or only saved me, but he Loves and Saved everyone! Life is meant to be enjoyed, without worrying about consequences. God created us to live with Love. Living my life because I am saved by God and having a relationship with Christ gives me a perspective on life that allows me to be Happy. He desires to be in relationship with you! You don’t need to feel bad for anything you have ever done. All you need to do is take steps to building a relationship with Him as if he were sitting right there in front of you.

August 19, 2013 |

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