Faithful Losing is Always a Reminder


Whenever I lose at a rodeo, which means when I don’t do my job or win anything, I get really disappointed in myself. I expect to win every time I back in the box, so when I mess up, it’s a baaaaad feeling. I always learn from losing and I typically get very motivated after a loss. There are a few things I am reminded of almost every time I make a mistake.

First of all, I am reminded that I cannot put my identity within my roping. The times when I think that my self worth comes from what I do rather than who I am are some of the most destructive times in my life. My identity, who I am and who I see myself as, comes from my Creator, not my job. The essence of me has a purpose because God put me here for a reason, and I am still here! 😉

20140109-201611.jpg(Making the National Finals Rodeo was a dream come true for me, but life I so much more than my own success within my job. Who I am is not defined by what I do.)

Secondly, losing reminds me to never quit persevering, not just in my work, but in every aspect of my life. Perseverance brings out good qualities in your life. I should persevere in my relationships with my friends, family, my girlfriend, and even in my team roping partners, no matter what happens. I should pursue Christ and persevere in my relationship with him. If I quit, it doesn’t matter what I do or who I am, I will not be living my life to the fullest as God created me to do.

(My Aunt and Uncle here with me in Vegas. My family has been so supportive of me throughout the years and I am so grateful for all of them.)

Thirdly, I get reminded of forgiveness. It’s true! I am reminded that as a messed up person, that I am forgiven. I get more chances to do my best and to do what is right. I get a deeper understanding as to how we cannot work to get into Heaven, but instead we are given freedom in Christ’s forgiveness so that we can live, worry free, for eternity. Do I worry? Yes. Do I get anxious and nervous? Yes, of course, but with Christ, there is hope. There is a future and it is for eternity.

I am really down right now but I am always encouraged and reminded when I lose. I may lose some confidence in my roping sometimes, and I may get mad and throw a little fit outside the arena, but I always am assured of God’s love for me. Win or lose, I am a Christ follower first, a few other priories next, THEN, after I pursue my other priorities with perseverance, I am a team roper. DH

For more behind the scenes pictures, videos, and updates, follow me on my Fan Page, on Twitter, and also on my Instagram.

January 10, 2014 |

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